A Portable Water Filter Bottle can Improve Your Performance at Work!

Portable water filter bottle from ZeroWater can hel you improve productivity and performance at work.

ZeroWater’s portable water filter bottle can guarantee that you will be efficiently hydrated during your working day, which in turn will aid your productivity and all performance levels!

Do you feel sluggish and unproductive at work?
Are you feeling demotivated and unfocused?
This could be down to dehydration!

A really effective way to improve your mood and productivity at work is through hydration.

So if you struggle with drinking enough water during your working day, then a portable water filter is the best investment you can make!

This article is your one stop guide to the manifold benefits of investing in a portable water filter bottle.

How can Good Hydration Help You During the Working Day?

Hydration is extremely important to ensure that your body and mind is in good working order. In order to have the best, most productive working day possible, you need to be well hydrated.

Especially, seeing as we now spend on average about 13 years at work throughout our lifetimes, it is ever more crucial to keep hydration levels high to guarantee that you are feeling and performing your best while at work.

At ZeroWater, we want to detail the importance of staying hydrated at work and the effects a lack of hydration can have on work productivity as well as mental performance:

Benefits of Being Well-hydrated - Drink More Water

So what are the Benefits of Being Well-hydrated at Work?

  • Being well-hydrated improves sleep quality, and mood, so hydration can help to improve your mental health. This means you will feel generally happier at work through successful hydration.
  • Hydration also boosts cognition which means you will be more mentally able to tackle tricky tasks and challenges while at work.
  • Hydration makes you feel more energised and more focused. By feeling more clear headed and sharp through hydration, your productivity will consequently improve. This is beneficial as you will feel personal satisfaction at your increased achievements and productivity as well as ensuring your company/business is even more successful.

How to Fit Hydration into Your Workplace Wellness Strategy:

You need to ensure that you have a workplace wellness strategy in place in order to feel and perform your best while at work! Hydration should be one of the key pillars of this wellness strategy.

However, at ZeroWater, we know hydration is often easier said than done. Our busy work schedules can make it hard to remember to drink the recommended 2 litres a day. But follow these top tips in order to ensure you are as hydrated as possible while at work.

  • Start and end your day with a glass of water.
  • Invest in our portable water filter bottle – This water filter is so handy and portable that you can take it into work with you, so that you can drink water on your commute, in meetings and at your desk.
  • You are more likely to be more hydrated if you have a water filter your water will be purer tasting. Therefore you will be more likely to drink more water and consequently be well-hydrated.
  • Consider placing fruit into your water bottle to create some delicious fruit infused water – for a tasty infused water recipe read our Autumn Water Based Recipes article here.

Why should I Invest in a ZeroWater Portable Water Filter Bottle?

At ZeroWater we have created the most advanced, affordable and portable water filters on the market! All to make sure that you can be your best self while in your workplace.Zero Dissolved solids for the purest tasting water

Our 5 stage filter system is guaranteed to outperform any other simplistic 2 stage filter on the market such as Brita filters.

2 stage filters only contain Activated Carbon and Ion Exchange Resin, while our filters contain 3 other stages (a Coarse Filter Screen, a Foam Distributor and a Ultra-fine screen & non-woven membrane layers). This means that these 2 stage filters only remove around half of all the dissolved solids in your water and therefore the taste will not be as pure as what ZeroWater filters can provide. You can read our previous article for a detailed explanation on how our Premium 5 Stage Ion Exchange water filters work here!

When tested in accordance with the NSF’s protocol based on a 40 gallon filtration (double the rated usage), ZeroWater reduces 97% of Lead and 99.9% of Chromium from tap water. They are also third party tested to reduce 96% of Mercury, 93% of Arsenic and 99% of Copper, among many other contaminants!

ZeroWater is here to ensure that you are your most hydrated, best self while at work with our portable water filter bottle!